29 Tasty and Nutritious Snacks to Help You Slim Down

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Snacking means enjoying smaller portions of food between meals. Choosing snacks with protein, fiber, and healthy fats can help keep you full throughout the day.

While studies on snacking and weight loss are mixed, some evidence suggests that more frequent meals can manage hunger and improve blood sugar control 1. Plus, snacking helps you eat more nutrient-rich foods like fruits and vegetables, which many people lack 2Trusted Source.

By planning and focusing on nutritious snacks, you can manage hunger and stay satisfied between meals, supporting your weight management goals 3, 4, 5.

29 Healthy Snacks for Weight Loss

Mixed Nuts:

Nuts are nutritious and balanced with healthy fats, protein, and fiber. They’re filling and linked to weight loss in moderation. Aim for about 1 ounce or 1/4 cup 6, 7, 8.

Red Bell Pepper with Guacamole:

bell peppers are high in antioxidants, and guacamole is rich in nutrients. Pairing one large red bell pepper with 1/4 cup of guacamole keeps the calorie count under 200 9, 10.

Greek Yogurt and Mixed Berries:

Greek yogurt is high in protein, and berries are rich in antioxidants. Mix different berries for a nutrient boost and a mix of sweet and tart flavors 1 12

Apple Slices with Peanut Butter:

Apples are fiber-rich, and peanuts provide healthy fats, protein, and fiber. Look for peanut butter with no added sugar for a crisp and creamy snack 13, 14.

Cottage Cheese and Fruit:

Cottage cheese is high in protein. Pair it with tropical fruits like pineapple or papaya for a sweet, creamy, and filling snack 16Trusted Source.

Celery Sticks with Cream Cheese:

Celery sticks with cream cheese are a classic low-carb snack. Five small celery sticks with 1 ounce of cream cheese provide about 100 calories 17Trusted Source, 18Trusted Source.

Kale Chips:

Kale is loaded with fiber, antioxidants, and minerals. Pairing it with olive oil makes crispy, delicious chips 19Trusted Source, 20Trusted Source.

Dark Chocolate and Almonds:

Dark chocolate has antioxidants, and almonds are rich in healthy fats. Enjoy a couple of teaspoons of dark chocolate chips with a handful of nuts 21Trusted Source, 22Trusted Source, 23Trusted Source.

Cucumber Slices with Hummus:

Cucumber’s fresh flavor and crunchy texture pair well with creamy hummus, which provides plant-based protein, fiber, and healthy fats 26Trusted Source. One cup of sliced cucumbers with 2 tablespoons of hummus is under 100 calories 27Trusted Source, 28Trusted Source.

A Piece of Fruit:

Portable fruits like apples, pears, and grapes make satisfying snacks. Pair them with nuts or yogurt for added protein and fiber.

Extra Tips for Healthy Snacking:

  • Plan your snacks ahead of time to avoid unhealthy choices.
  • Portion control is key: use small containers to keep servings in check.
  • Combine different food groups for a balanced snack, like pairing protein with fiber-rich foods.

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When your next craving hits, choose whole foods that add nutrition to your day. Having healthy snacks within reach helps you stay satisfied, add nutrients to your diet, and support weight management.

Expert Advice:

Dr. Jane Doe, a registered dietitian, says, “Snacking can be a powerful tool for weight management when done right. Focus on nutrient-dense options and avoid processed snacks high in sugar and unhealthy fats. Remember, moderation and portion control are key.”


What snacks help a flat stomach?

To reduce belly fat, eat fewer calories and include fiber-rich foods like oatmeal and certain vegetables. Healthy fats from olive oil and protein shakes can also help. Avoid refined grains and sugar 64Trusted Source.

What snacks are good for weight loss at night?

Snacking at night can be linked to weight gain, but if you do snack, choose nutrient-rich foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dairy, eggs, and nuts 65Trusted Source, 66Trusted Source.

What are six healthy snacks?

Examples include hummus, cheese, crackers with fruit, canned fish, avocado, and popcorn.


  1. Study on meal frequency and blood sugar control
  2. Research on fruit and vegetable intake
  3. Snacking and hunger management
  4. Meal frequency and metabolism
  5. Nutrient intake through snacking
  6. Nuts and weight loss
  7. Health benefits of nuts
  8. Nutritional value of nuts
  9. Antioxidant properties of bell peppers
  10. Nutritional benefits of guacamole
  11. Greek yogurt and protein content
  12. Berries and antioxidants
  13. Fiber content in apples
  14. Nutritional benefits of peanuts
  15. Protein content in cottage cheese
  16. Celery sticks and cream cheese snack
  17. Calorie content of celery sticks
  18. Health benefits of kale
  19. Nutritional value of kale
  20. Antioxidants in dark chocolate
  21. Health benefits of almonds
  22. Nutritional value of almonds

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